Homework: May 30th

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please assist your child with the homework and sign at the bottom of the page.
English Language Arts:
 Homework: Choose the level appropriate for you and complete that level.
Today you competed in the MSCD Hunger Games Part 2. (Jeopardy) This Jeopardy game consisted of the following areas: English, Math, Science, Dance, and Health.

Level 1: Which category did you find the most challenging? Which category did you feel the most prepared for?

Level 2: Which category did you find the most challenging? Which category did you feel the most prepared for? Explain why you may have felt this way.

Level 3: Which category did you find the most challenging? Which category did you feel the most prepared for? Explain why you may have felt this way. How did you do in the Jeopardy game?

Parent Signature: ________________________________


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