Homework: November 2nd

Dance History and English Language Arts

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please assist your child with the homework and sign at the bottom of the page. All students are encouraged to complete at least 20 minutes of IXL online. If you need your username and password please ask me.

Dance History: V00, V81, V05, and V02
Directions: Complete the level that is appropriate for you!
Today we spoke about New School Hip Hop. 

As you know, hip-hop music is always changing. As the music changed, people realized that breaking doesn't fit with the many of new school hip-hop music. That's how new-school dance started out. Around 1986, which is the early days of new school dance, the moves were very simple. Steps called Wap, Running man, Roger Rabbit, and Robocop were popular steps in this era. These were exactly what everybody can do. However, new school dance in present time is much more evolved and complex. Many dancers twisted popping or electric boogie and put into their moves. New styles come from everywhere. People take moves from martial arts, reggae, locking, and even 70s soul train steps.

Level 1: 
When did new school hip hop start out?
Identify one dance step that was popular during this era.

Level 2:
When did new school hip hop start out?
Identify 2 dance steps that were popular during this era.
Why is new school hip hop more "complex"?

Level 3:
Identify 3 dance steps that were popular during this era.
How is new school hip hop more complex?
Where do people take different styles from to make their hip hop different?

Parent Signature: ______________________________________

English Language Arts: X01
Directions: Complete the level that is appropriate for you!

Today we continued to discuss what the Greaser's were like in The Outsider's by S.E Hinton and more specifically how you can feel when you're lonely and not part of a group. Attached is the link for the audio version. http://misslewisreading.weebly.com/the-outsiders-audio-chapters.html

Level 1: What does it mean to feel lonely?
A) feeling happy and surprised
B) feeling tired
C) feeling unwanted and by yourself

Level 2: What does it mean to feel lonely? Have you ever felt lonely?


Level 3: Is it ok to feel lonely? Give one example of a time that you have felt lonely.


Parent Signature: ____________________________________


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