May 22nd

Parents/Guardians: Please assist your child in completing the homework assignment below. Please complete the same level that you complete in class.

Level 1: What are the 3 different communication styles that we learned about today? Draw a line matching the picture to the description.

-              Slumped / standing bent over (Looking down at your feet)
-              Quiet and not a way one uses when speaking up

-              Talk loudly or inappropriately
-              Speak in angry tone
-              Often seen as immature or childish


-              Stand tall, making eye contact when you speak (standing proud)
-              Speak clearly, in a respectful manner
-              Good listener

Level 2: Identify two ways you know each communication style.

_______________              ____________________________                ___________________
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Level 3: Identify the 3 different types of communication styles. Then list different ways that you know someone is using that communication style.

Style 1:_______________             Style 2:__________________                        Style 3: ______________

_______________              ____________________________                ___________________
_______________              ____________________________                ___________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________________________


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