May 1st

Parents/Guardians: Please assist your child in completing the homework assignment below. Please complete the same level that you complete in class.
Today we started the new novel for the month of May: Of Mice and Men. Use the reading below to answer the questions about John Steinbeck.

This book was written because John Steinbeck wanted to show how life was during the Great Depression. He wanted to show how people were affected by the depression and what people had to do to survive. He showed how people had to make hard decisions, not only for themselves, but for others as well.

Level 1: What was John Steinbeck trying to show in his novel Of Mice and Men? (Circle all that apply)

What is was like during the Great Depression                                             How to feed animals

How people were happy                                                                              How people survived

How people had to make hard decisions                             How people made easy decisions

Level 2: What was John Steinbeck trying to show in his novel Of Mice and Men? Give one specific example. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Level 3: Explain what John Steinbeck trying to show in his novel Of Mice and Men? Give two specific examples and cite evidence you’re your text. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________


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