Homework: June 8th

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please assist your child with the homework and sign at the bottom of the page.
English Language Arts:

Please do not forget: NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!
 Homework: Choose the level appropriate for you and complete that level.

Level 1: 
1. How does Hazel feel about her cancer?
A) happy
B) excited
C) depressed

2. How does Augustus feel about his cancer?
A) he cries every night
B) he is positive
C) he has no feelings

Level 2: How does Hazel feel about her cancer? Where does her mom force her to go based on her feelings?

Level 3: How does Hazel feel about her cancer? Where does her mom force her to go based on her feelings? How are Hazel’s feelings about cancer different from Augustus?

Parent Signature: __________________________________


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