Homework: May 1st

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please assist your child with the homework and sign at the bottom of the page.

English Language Arts:
Homework: Complete the appropriate level.
Today we started "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins.
Level 1: 
1. Who is the author of "Catching Fire"?
A) Art Spiegelman
B) Suzanne Collins
C) Walter Dean Myers

2. What was the Hunger Games series based off of?
A) Bull Riding Games
B) European Hunger Games
C) Roman Gladiator Games

Level 2: Who is the author of "Catching Fire"?

The author of "Catching Fire" is _________________________.

Explain why this author chose to write this novel.

The author chose to write this novel because ___________________________________________

Level 3: Who is the author of "Catching Fire"? Explain why the author chose to write this novel. What influenced the authors writing?

Parent Signature: _____________________________


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