Homework: November 1st

Dance History and English Language Arts

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please assist your child with the homework and sign at the bottom of the page. All students are encouraged to complete at least 15 minutes of IXL online. If you need your username and password please ask me.

Dance History: V00, V81, V05, and V02

Directions: Complete the level that is appropriate for you!
Today we introduced Hip Hop Dancing. We spoke about old school hip hop why it was created. We spoke about what old school Hip Hop Dancing can look like. If you need a reminder please watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMBb-VvJShY.

Level 1: 
Where was old school hip hop dancing performed?
A) on a stage
B) in a house
C) anywhere the group happen to be

Level 2:
Where was old school hip hop dancing performed? Give 1 example of a place where it could be performed. Who could perform this dance?

Level 3:

Old School hip hop was known as an “informal” dance. What does that mean? Who could perform this dance?

Parent Signature: ________________________________

English Language Arts: X01

Today we started The Outsiders by S.E Hinton. Attached is the link for the audio version. http://misslewisreading.weebly.com/the-outsiders-audio-chapters.html. The Outsider’s is about friendship and feeling like you belong in a group.

Level 1:
What is one group that you belong to?


Level 2:
What are 2 groups that you belong to? What words would you use to describe these groups?

Level 3:
What are 3 groups that you belong to? How does being a part of these groups make you feel?

Parent Signature: _____________________________


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